Placeholder Picture is part of my One Man Storm collection of web sites created over the last 30 years to share the very best of me with the world.  Essentially we are spirit briefly inhabiting a human form and our natural calling is to love, create and to give our gifts to enrich the garden of life on Earth. Most of us are lucky enough to be born with everything we need to thrive. Unfortunately society's teachings, laws and discipline sabotage our rights to create an independent, free existence.

I was fortunate to be alive during the period of human exception that lasted from the end of the second world war to the mid-1970s. Everyone's boat was rising as modern technologies flourished and flowed into households. There was no shortage of well-paid work, education and health care were free and customer service was genuine and complete. The milkman and breadman delivered right to your door. Even doctors made house calls. People were friendly and neighbours cared about each other. School yards and parks were safe, even at night and people didn't need to lock their doors.

In just 50 short years we have lost the hope and satisfaction of those years. In 1990 my one man storm started asking why. I am happy to share what I have learned with you in the links below.

We are now dangerously near the end of the free world. I started this site because I believe all those who never experienced the period of human exception deserve to have a chance to rebuild the freedoms of that era. Society can be so much more than what we have been taught to settle with. The collective potential of the human spirit is unlimited... unless we continue to submit to the evil that has overtaken us.

Please rise up and use the democracy that we were promised to end the economic tyranny and political corruption that we now face. Rest assured, your personal information is secure here and will never be shared with any third parties. This is a voluntary non-commercial project born from my love and respect for human equality, honesty and responsibility.

Here are the links that I mentioned

explains how we got into this mess

suggests how we can get out of it