Sovereign Municipalities

It’s encouraging to see that the number of people who are ready to defend their personal sovereignty is increasing. The emergency measures enacted during the Covid-19 “crisis”invaded our personal space, our bodily autonomy, our Charter rights and our economic, social and religious freedoms. At first people were willing to go along with it for a few weeks to “flatten the curve”, but as months turned into years it became obvious that all the personal sacrifices were ineffective and unnecessary and that normal was not coming back. Slowly people became aware that they had been misled and lied to by the government and the public health experts that they trusted. Secrecy about public-private partnerships, government subsidies, contracts, and immunity agreements that shielded healthcare providers from liabilities for fraud, serious injuries and even death eroded public trust. Then the Orwellian clampdown and criminalization of any “mis”, “dis” or “mal” information that dared to question the official medical “science” (propaganda) revealed that pretty well all of our Charter rights were gone.

Rather than rehash the “conspiracy theories” that are now admitted to be facts, it would be better to discuss how to avoid any future globally led, nationally supported, provincially delivered, municipally implemented assaults on our individual sovereignty. Is there a way to turn a top-down, international, dictatorial hierarchy of corporate and government control into a bottom-up citizen-led sovereignty association? Glad you asked, yes there is… introducing Sovereign Municipalities.

The legal foundation for Sovereign Municipalities rests on the natural birthrights provided to all human beings by Creation. An individual’s sovereign rights are not granted by any other party, they are inherent upon birth. Families who nurture an individual do suppress some of a child’s natural sovereignty. Children usually make this clear to their parents when they enter their teens. Most however survive unscathed by any serious loss of their natural sovereign rights.

From this pool of sovereign individuals may come a desire to collaborate and cooperate together to achieve better individual conditions for all. This may lead to the willing sacrifice of some small amount of personal sovereignty. In order to enjoy garbage pickup, water and sewer services, police and fire protection, etc. citizens may agree to certain rules and regulations that restrict their individual rights. In addition, many social norms and values arise when large groups of people try to live together in harmony. Individuals are expected to concede some of their personal freedom to co-exist peacefully with others. A few basic principals that respect the rights of others as being equal to a person’s own rights is all that is needed to get along. The ten commandments can probably be whittled down to five or less and everyone will get the picture. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It’s pretty simple, and highly enforceable.

So in this coming together municipal structures become necessary. Cooperative associations rather than dictatorial governments are needed to perform civil functions that serve the interests and expressed needs and desires of local residents. The authority of municipalities then is granted to them by their citizens. Municipalities have no powers or rights themselves, they are simply tools designed and used by the citizens to serve a function. Ideally, municipal policies would be determined entirely by public input. The ubiquitous use of computers and cell phones would enable bi-directional information flows allowing the public to influence municipal policy decisions transparently and directly. Obviously average citizens would not have enough time or knowledge to follow all of the proposed new or changed legislation. Few councillors now do either. Citizens could however quite easily follow just the policies that interested or affected them.

Instead of councillors voting on behalf of hundreds of citizens, they would simply serve as information switchboards between citizens and city staff. Councillors would post searchable detailed reports on all proposed new or modified legislation and all pending legislative decisions. Voting deadlines would be set and citizen votes tallied. Citizen comments and suggestions could be added right up to the voting deadline. The technology for digital democracy is readily available.

At first citizens may not be prepared or willing to commit their time to supervising local governance but as issues arise that affect their personal lives they will get interested. Issues that citizens have no interest in may continue to be decided by internal city staff, but if any trace of corruption arises administrative staff would be suspended immediately and held criminally responsible. It may be a gradual transition that takes years to implement fully but local self-government determined by sovereign individuals will eliminate the corruption, secrecy and concentration of power in municipal government.

The structure of sovereign municipalities would not have to change much at all. Citizens would still elect councillors in their district to serve and inform them. Only the function and responsibilities of councillors would change. Instead of voting for policies and bylaws secretly in closed council meetings, citizens themselves would vote to determine policy decisions. Councillors would be responsible for updating the city website with unbiased, reliable background information and liaising with all citizen questions and requests in their district. Citizens would retain almost all of their natural sovereign rights, yielding only the few that they authorize through their municipal voting. The roll of the mayor and CAO would change drastically. They would no longer have autonomy or any executive power to overrule the decisions of the citizens they serve. The primary job of the mayor would be to carry the wishes and policies of their citizens forward to other mayors and levels of government. One of the most important roles of the mayor would be to protect the municipality from corrupt financial influences, corporate lobbying and sovereignty attacks from national and international governments and private organizations.

Municipalities would be almost totally sovereign and their bylaws and regulations would take precedence above provincial and national control. Like sovereign citizens, sovereign municipalities may desire to collaborate with each other to achieve better conditions for all. This may lead to the willing sacrifice of some small amount of municipal sovereignty. Similar sovereignty concessions would apply to all state, provincial and national government relationships.

Sovereign citizens would elect a local MPP to represent their wishes at the state or provincial level. MPPs who fail to represent their municipal voters openly and honestly would be fired and replaced immediately. No separate state or provincial elections would be necessary. All government would originate locally. MPPs serve as state or provincial reps and carry forward the local voting results of their municipality to help determine the state governor or provincial premier.

Sovereign citizens would also elect a local MP to represent their wishes at the federal or national level. MPs who fail to represent their municipal voters openly and honestly would be fired and replaced immediately. No separate national elections would be necessary. All government would originate locally. MPs serve as federal or national reps and carry forward the local voting results of their municipality to help determine the President or Prime Minister.

On election day every voter casts votes for 3 people, a municipal rep, a state or provincial rep, and a federal or national rep. Combining the 3 votes into one election day would reduce taxpayer expenses significantly. All licensed mainstream broadcasters on both radio and tv and all major newspapers would be required, as a condition of their public license, to provide free and equal media coverage to each candidate during an election period. Public broadcasters and news outlets would provide the free backbone of democracy. No corporate influence or lobbying would be allowed or tolerated. Any politician or media source caught promoting private interests over their own voters’ wishes would be charged with treason. If new policy issues arise between elections local referendums would determine the voters’ instructions to the representatives in all 3 levels of government.

Municipal sovereignty would encourage the transfer of many policy jurisdictions like public health, education and agriculture to the local level providing a greater freedom of choice for citizens. Municipalities could be responsible for developing their own unique policies rather than just implementing and enforcing directives from above. Fiscal and taxation arrangements would have to be restructured, but that’s another whole topic.

Many groups and individuals are pushing very hard for sovereign municipalities that respect the sovereign rights of local citizens. The aggressive attacks on our Charter and Constitutional rights that were deceptively introduced to fight an imaginary virus are going to get much worse if citizens don’t take a stand. The criminals at the UN, the WHO, the WEF, the IMF and all of the dictatorial and treasonous governments supporting the New World Order are out to obliterate our individual, God-given rights and freedoms completely. Using fake science and corrupt propaganda they are corralling us into an inescapable digital slavery. Please look around your municipality and ask yourself if conditions are improving. Are we heading in the right direction, towards a better quality of life for all? If homelessness and food banks make you doubt it, please link up with the inspiration and positive examples of effective community action the following groups provide:

Constitutional Conventions

Confront Your Council




S.A.F.E. Investments

Here’s a great idea on how to prepare for the chain of crises that will soon be coming to a theatre near you. The psychopaths promoting the New World Order have been busy poisoning our air, water and food supply, bankrupting our farmers and stealing their land, destroying our food production and distribution chains, shutting down our most reliable energy sources, burning down our forests, and murdering us with gene altering bio-weapons. To further decimate the earth’s population the eugenicist elite are recklessly pushing us towards WWIII. Humanity’s existence is under attack.

Our leaders are deafened by the internal choir of their lust for power. They can’t even hear us, let alone comprehend us or care about what we are saying. The drumbeat of profit has driven them mad and they crave only destruction and total control over every living thing. They own the banks, the money & credit supply, the governments, the international agencies, the corporations, the medical and public health agencies, the education and scientific research establishment, the political parties, the legal and justice system and both the mainstream and social media networks. To make matters worse, they also own or control most of the earth’s land and natural resources.

So what can you and I do about it? We must cut the main cable that delivers and sustains their power… the financial system. The financial system is used to control the economic system, the political system and the legal system. It is the root of evil that sustains the satanic snakes of destruction. But how can we do it… it is so powerful and widespread?

A great place to start would be at the investment level. If we could start a new investment fund that invests solely in essential survival assets such as land, food, water, energy, timber, etc. we might stand a chance. Not only would the fund provide standard share ownership and income benefits, but shareholders would get premium access to life sustaining products and resources in times of crises. Run by a Board of Directors of trustworthy experts who have already proven their honesty, bravery and moral character (prior to and during the Covid-19 era) the fund would invest in essential asset providers only. Completely transparent and open to investor scrutiny, pathways to invest could be direct to individuals or through managed funds. No large institutional investors or organizations like Blackrock, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, Hathaway, Clinton, Ford, etc. or investment banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, J. P. Morgan, etc. would be allowed any voting rights. All shares would be registered in the names of the actual individual owners.

Individual investors would be encouraged to contact their fund managers and demand that a majority of their portfolio be allocated to the SAFE fund. All investments received would be used to purchase new essential resources that are necessary to survive the upcoming crises that the lunatic fringe have planned. Ordinary citizens with no personal or private pension funds who just want to protect their bank assets could withdraw their savings and invest directly into the fund to avoid the risk of lost capital due to the looming bank failures. As investors drain share values from the market leaders like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta, etc. their power and influence will weaken. Redirecting funds to support independent farmers, local food processing and distribution networks, alternative energy producers, sustainable timber and water suppliers, etc. will create new jobs and enhance security at the community level.

We need to get on this NOW. Please circulate this idea as widely as possible. Withdrawing our funds before the financial collapse the cabal has planned could save us a fortune. A lot of the directors of the largest companies on Wall Street have started to sell the shares of their own companies. Something big is coming very soon. Let’s get our money out now.

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