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The further away that decisions are made, the less control we have over them. It doesn’t matter if you’re a farmer who relies on centralized marketing boards, or a doctor who must follow rules made by provincial licensing bodies, the loss of sovereignty is the same. No where is this more true than in government. Citizens who share concerns have a fairly decent chance of influencing their local government’s decision making process. Most information remains accessible and it is relatively easy to “follow the money” to see who has influence and power in your own community.

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Seeking truth and transparency in provincial governments is much harder. Layers of influence run deep and the volume of protected information needed to understand “the racket” is discouraging. Most citizens don’t have time to crack the code of provincial politics. National politics is even worse. Webs of corporate lobbyists, billionaire NGOs, international agencies all combine to obscure the truth and conceal intentions. Political parties themselves shield government from scrutiny and ensure that only those with qualified loyalties and intentions need apply. In recent years the intense censorship of news and information has become a serious threat to freedom and democracy.

No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. Politics is merely theatre of the absurd. That’s why a drama teacher is our prime minister. The mainstream news and entertainment industry is setup to distract us from the important information that really matters and shock us with fear and dangertainment until we are numb. (of course, their advertisers have all the things we need to relax).

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Use this search tool to find neighbours who share your concerns about government over-reach and are willing to initiate some local resistance. Personally, my goal is to pick-up where the truckers left off and bring a simultaneous, ongoing, public protest to every city and town in Canada… yeah that’s right… Occupy Your City until the worst provincial and national politicians and bureaucrats are expelled from government and charged with conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity. Unlike the truckers however, you still get to sleep in your own bed and the comforts of home remain nearby. We should be able to keep it going all spring and summer long.This will send a clear message to all of the political parties that people aren't going to surrender their rights and freedoms to a global corporatocracy.

Watch this page for links to important news and information. Use the message tool to email me your news and ideas. My username is admin. Thanks for coming by. Please invite others to the Breach Party so that we can break through the wall of silence and defeat the global corporate superstate.

Nobody says it better than Jimi did…

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