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Thanks for looking beyond the mainstream propaganda to find out what is really going on. The truth is frightening and it is emotionally draining to challenge the narrative and defend our liberty and natural rights. I appreciate your bravery and respect you all gratefully.

I will use this news tab to keep you informed about the growth and development of LocalResistance. Since early March, I have been working on this project on my own. During the lockdowns I was kicked off Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube so getting the word out about this site has been slow and difficult. I push hard on Twitter and Substack and add comments wherever I am allowed. Over 500 personal contacts have been blessed with my initial information sharing campaign and some of them are even still talking to me.

However, there is only so much one person can do and I really need you to help me spread the word about Local Resistance to your friends, family and social media accounts. I don’t own a cell phone so I can’t access any SAS platforms like Telegram. Despite all these limitations 50 people from 8 countries signed up to use this search tool in the first month. I now have links on many other important freedom fighter sites and I often participate in their chats. If people start talking about this on their social media platforms we should be able to make local resistance go viral and increase the number of registrations here dramatically. Only then will this site be able to achieve its purpose of connecting people locally.

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Looking ahead, here are some other things that need to be organized.

Local Co-ordinators
People who have just signed up may be reluctant to take the first step and initiate contact with their neighbours. They may decide to hang-back and wait to see if anyone else contacts them first. A local co-ordinator in each town or city would be awesome. All that would be involved is to search this site regularly, as it grows, to see if any new people who sign up are in your neighbourhood. If so, break the ice and send them an email to introduce yourself. If they respond then you are on your way to co-operatively design a local group.

Local Blog or Chat Group
Once a few people have connected locally a local blog or chat group would definitely be a great tool to help communicate and organize projects and events. It would only take one internet-savy person to set it all up and it need not be the local co-ordinator.

Brainstorm Barbecues
Pot luck spring and summer barbecues could help end isolation, loneliness and discouragement and excite the creative juices and positive vibrations in people. Linking our strengths and resources is essential to surviving the next wave of attacks.

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Suggested Targets
Once enough people in your neighbourhood have registered, it makes sense to form action groups for areas of common interest. One or two voices get lost in municipal politics but groups of ten or more can influence local policies. Local government agencies will be required to implement the new policies that the globalists will decree during the next public health emergency (or climate change emergency). The local preparedness of citizens to resist dangerous decrees, vaccinations, lockdowns, etc. is of paramount importance. Individually we have no ability to resist, but collectively we could easily outnumber the local enforcement resources available to them. Some suggested targets to focus on are 1) public health agencies 2) local school boards 3) municipal government committees.

Important News Alerts
The W.H.O. is attempting to takeover the planet’s healthcare systems by modifying the International Health Regulations and introducing a mandatory global Pandemic Treaty. They want to dictate policies, manage enforcement and supersede national sovereignty. Check out the two links below:

James Roguski
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The W.E.F. has infiltrated the highest levels of our governments to implement the UN’s Agenda 2030. Any members of parliament who are graduates of the World Economic Forum’s indoctrination programs must publicly identify themselves and declare under oath whether or not they support the supremacy of global governance over national sovereignty and individual rights. Any members who do not respect national sovereignty must immediately resign and a national election must be called. All political parties who are aligned with the global governance plans of the UN, WHO & WEF must also clearly and publicly declare that loyalty prior to the next election. Don't accept political treason. Trudeau and Biden are out of control. Email your federal, provincial and state members of parliament and demand transparency now.

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