Avoid the Taking

Rebuilding the Financial System

The debt-based fiat money system, in use since the gold standard was abandoned in 1931, is imploding. The reckless creation of interest bearing debt has swollen debt servicing costs to beyond the level of GDP. In other words, the value of the entire productive capacity of the nation is not enough to pay the interest costs on the money supply. We have borrowed too much money into existence and we can no longer afford to pay the monthly interest costs. Governments have been trying to conceal this reality by printing even more debt-based securities but the end of our current financial system is imminent and unavoidable.

The financial establishment has been using a hidden, “off-the-books” money creation system to keep the economy going while they develop a replacement public monetary system. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) appear to be the replacement most favoured by the international central bankers and their governments. CBDCs will enable massive private, interest-free, “off-the-books” money creation schemes for the “too-big-to-fail” institutions that will be virtually invisible to the public and elected legislators. In addition, CBDCs will provide a totalitarian digital surveillance system to monitor and control consumer behaviour and spending. The ability to “turn off” an individual’s access to their money will immediately deny their rights and ability to survive.

For decades knowledgeable financial experts have been warning the public that the coming implosion is imminent yet no serious discussion of alternative financial systems based on the needs of the general public has been initiated. Talk of monetary reform either sends people into a trance-like state or threatens them with uncontrollable fear. When pressed for answers, most people simply regurgitate overused platitudes instilled by authoritative brainwashing. Very few people are willing or able to apply their own original, creative thinking to the subject. For over 30 years I have tried to engage people to learn about and discuss our debt-based monetary system and its evil twin the profit-based economic system but eyes roll back, or anger erupts, and I am told that it is far too big and complex a subject to tackle. It is beyond our pay grade; the authorities will do what they please; I’m doing alright and I don’t want to waste my time on this.

It appears that it will take a complete meltdown of the financial system to get people curious and motivated enough to think about what’s wrong with the system. An all-at-once crash would certainly do the trick. But the powers-that-be are smart and they have been gradually easing us toward the destiny they have in mind for us for decades. Rising inflation, stagnant wages, increasing taxation slowly rob the middle class of their comfort and expectations of a better life. Governments, corporations and financial markets have been slowly but consistently turning up the heat in the boiling pot of the average frog. Their partners in the media and entertainment industries have flooded us with enticing distractions to keep us focused on shocking news, superficial pleasures and temporary escape strategies. Defining and criminalizing mis and dis information are the final steps needed to establish a global dictatorship. Soon it will be against the law to express alternative viewpoints and beliefs. It will be too late to resist.

Now that we are at the precipice of a complete failure of debt-based capitalism are we really just going to let the architects of the old monetary and economic systems design and implement the replacement systems. Enough about their true intentions have been revealed to confirm that they want to kill us. They believe there are far too many of us “useless eaters” squandering the earth’s resources that rightfully belong to them. Eugenics, genetic manipulation and environmental domination are their satanic goals. Surely the coming financial collapse is the opportunity that we have been waiting for to reform the economic operating system of life. If the whole system is about to crash, no one is safe, no one can afford to ignore it any longer. We must start a conversation about what kind of socio-economic system should replace it. Certainly most people would agree that any new system should serve and protect the best interests of the average citizens of the nation. It should be developed and approved by the people for the people. It should empower people to live freely and peacefully according to their own beliefs and values. It should eliminate the exploitive use of debt, interest and profit to concentrate wealth and capture power. It should encourage and facilitate personal development and reward everyone who honestly contributes their very best to garden of life that is society.

This is not rocket science. Average people, common sense, compassion, integrity and a pure heart are all that is required. As the bible teaches, all we need to enter the kingdom of heaven (on earth) is to love Creation with all our heart, soul and mind; and to treat others as we would have them treat us (with respect). This must be the foundation of our replacement monetary and economic system. Treat all the wonders of nature, creation and living species (even humans) with reverence and respect. Use science and technology to stimulate awe and wonder, not to alter or destroy the very fabric of life. We borrow the earth from all future generations and are obligated to care for and improve its health and living vitality. Our economic system must achieve these primary objectives or our species will be nothing more than a cancer on the gift of creation.

Please stop and seriously consider the global threats we are facing. We will lose everything we hold dear if we do not stop the current agenda of the world’s leaders. We must eliminate global government, reduce the authority and interference of national and provincial governments and develop the least restrictive municipalities possible. Policies must be made decided by independent individual residents. Money must not have a voice at the table. Most of the solutions to our social problems are simple to achieve once the influence of money is removed from the socio-economic possibilities. Many life changing solutions already exist but they have been hidden and forbidden by the profit-driven captains of capitalism. Free energy, natural healthcare, debt-free housing, sustainable production, the elimination of planned obsolescence, environmental regeneration, pure scientific research and development are all poised and ready to deploy. Only the political and economic will of the public needs to be changed to set them free.

Please inhale the possibilities of a debt and profit free society and start a conversation with your friends and family about changing the monetary and economic system. It is self-destructing as we speak so this may be the very last time that the general public will have an opportunity, or be allowed, to propose a more acceptable social operating system. Let’s get started now.

They Are Trying To Kill Us

The Mindful Marketplace

To all governments and international organizations:

Recognizing the inherent and inalienable sovereignty of the individual bestowed upon us by the Act of Creation:


Recognizing that the Act of Creation is the supreme law of nature which takes precedence over all other laws that human governments may enact:


Recognizing that each human life is sacred and invaluable to Creation:


Recognizing that each human being has the sole authority over their body, mind and beliefs:


Recognizing that governments around the world are colluding together and with private entities and corporations to overthrow our individual sovereignty with laws and regulations that bind and direct us against our will:


Recognizing that the United Nations and all of its partner agencies and organizations including the World Health Organization are spearheading this attack on the inalienable sovereignty of the individual:

We hereby initiate this international plebiscite:

To determine the will of the citizens in each member country of the United Nations:

To command a peaceful and democratic withdrawal from the United Nations and the World Health Organization of any country where a majority of citizens’ votes in this plebiscite indicate that such is the will of the people:

To command the national governments of each member country to honour and obey their oath of allegiance to honour and serve their citizens morally, honestly and with a complete respect for their natural sovereignty and bodily autonomy:

This is a rough first draft suggestion of a collaborative idea that could change the course of history. If all freedom groups and individual citizens worldwide got behind this idea it could go viral and become a huge force to use in our fight against tyranny and a one world government. By providing a single common focal point to raise public awareness worldwide this citizen-driven initiative could become as powerful as the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, the worldwide freedom rallies and the ongoing farmer protests.

We don’t need the permission or support of the government to ask citizens what they want… and if they respond in sufficient numbers, it will provide the authority we need to change the entire system. Petitions plead and submit to the government’s authority. Plebiscites embody the parallel and supreme authority of citizens.

Please add your comments to this post and repost it around the internet. If you are a part of any freedom groups, or any other groups for that matter, spread this news and make it go viral. It will take a team of organizers to set up the plebiscite site which will ensure that individuals can: remain annonymous, only vote once (no matter how many email addresses they have), be verified as real people (not robots or programs), voluntarily provide their country location (for statistical analysis)


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