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This Is War

Sadly the federal and provincial governments of Canada are operating a corporate dictatorship that they refer to as a “Public-Private Partnership” or “Stakeholder Capitalism”. As foot soldiers of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Agenda 2030, they operate tactical command centres to enforce the policies and objectives of their corporate directors. Covid-19 demonstrated the lengths to which they are willing to go to establish a tyrannical, unelected one-world government.

The evil that we are fighting knows no bounds. It has no moral compass. It despises and mocks religion, the sanctity of life, individual freedom and human rights. Bioweapons launched during the Covid attacks have killed and injured millions of unsuspecting citizens around the world. Infertility is threatening to destroy the reproductive ability of the human race. Eugenics, Artificial Intelligence, gene editing and the private ownership of DNA and RNA foreshadow an age of complete slavery and corporate domination of every aspect of life.

Our governments have betrayed the public good by allowing the corporate takeover of our university and research centres, our professional medical colleges and licensing boards, our hospitals and both our federal and provincial ministries of health, their agencies and advisory bodies. Regulations to safeguard public health are being dismantled at a record pace to pave the way for the international pharmaceutical takeover of “Agile Nations” and global healthcare.

Doctors, nurses, scientists and medical researchers who try to speak out to warn us are fired, fined, de-licensed, or jailed. Censorship of the news media and the prohibition of free speech and freedoms of assembly and worship suppress resistance by creating fear of punishment for speaking out or disobeying orders. Employers have become agents of the state and enforcers of totalitarian policies.

Seniors are dying, children are dying and people of all ages are being maimed and permanently injured by the pharmaceutical mandates of our leaders. Tens of thousands of doctors and nurses and other healthcare professionals have been fired as vaccine injuries increase. Life saving surgeries continue to be delayed or cancelled due to the ongoing obstruction of healthcare. Extraordinary new “Sudden Death” syndromes are appearing along with bizarre new life-threatening clots. Their war against humanity is killing us and we must fight back now.

The only way to stop the medical tyranny that governments worldwide are enforcing is to completely stop obeying. This is a drastic step that will temporarily create harm and may cause the death of some critically ill people but in war some must suffer to save the many. In this case, the many is all of humanity. Nothing short of a complete shut down of medical services will defeat the government and its puppet agencies and colleges. A medical general strike won’t need to continue long before public pressure will force the government to re-instate fired healthcare workers, drop all charges and reimburse all fines imposed by regulatory colleges and hospitals and to restore the primacy and privacy of the doctor-patient relationship that is the bedrock of trust in the delivery of medicine.

Medical professionals must weigh the short-term harms that a strike would cause against the long-term benefits of a return to unrestricted patient care based on professional integrity, practical experience, and a commitment to “do no harm”. Millions of Canadians will continue to die and be harmed by the current healthcare agenda of our corporate government. This drastic step is necessary to avoid an unimaginable future loss of life and suffering and to re-employ the so badly needed healthcare professionals who have been sidelined by corrupt governmental policies.

Many professionals will not agree that such extreme measures are necessary. Many may fear reprisals from the government, their unions or professional organizations. But what can the government really do? If they invoke back-to-work legislation or levy fines, the protestors ignore them. If they attempt to arrest or jail demonstrators then they turn a temporary disruption into a permanent one causing even greater harms. Now is the time to ask yourself what have these unions and organizations done to protect their members from government overreach into their profession? What have they done to protect the public trust and the moral integrity of the healthcare profession? Not everyone needs to participate in this initiative to make it effective. The healthcare delivery system has already been severely damaged by government abuse. A simple majority of healthcare workers would be enough to legitimize the protest and ensure its success.

How can we expect healthcare workers to defend us from medical tyranny if we don’t support them financially when they put their jobs and incomes on the line? We must rally public support through multiple crowd funding sources and demand that the healthcare workers’ unions and medical professional associations contribute substantially to the fight. Hospitals won’t remain functional for long without healthcare workers so there won’t be a lot of lost wages to cover. The blame for the strike must be attached solely to the harms caused by the draconian government policies and the treasonous transfer of power to corporate criminals. We all need to take responsibility now and shoulder the financial burden of this battle.

Please think about this and discuss it with your colleagues,

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The World Health Organization has gone rogue.

The W.H.O. was set up in 1948 by the United Nations to serve the public health interests of its member nation states. Originally, it was financed almost entirely by government contributions. This is no longer the case.

Member countries now pay what are called “assessed contributions,” a percentage of a country’s GDP agreed upon every two years at the World Health Assembly. Today, these sums cover less than 20 per cent of W.H.O.’s total budget.

That means over 80 per cent of W.H.O.’s funding relies on “voluntary contributions,” meaning any amount of money given freely by donors, whether member states, NGOs, philanthropic organizations, corporations, or other private entities. These voluntary contributions are typically earmarked for specific projects or diseases, meaning the W.H.O. cannot freely decide how to use them.

In other words, the W.H.O. is now heavily skewed towards serving the private capital interests of corporations, NGOs and financial trusts. These capital interests are focused on maximizing profit and reducing regulatory obstacles like government health and safety requirements.

Along with this betrayal of the public good has come a grasping for dictatorial powers that supersede the administrative sovereignty of member states. Working in tandem, the latest amendments to the International Health Regulations and the formulation of a new Pandemic Treaty will give the W.H.O. complete control over defining, declaring and responding to any actual or potential pandemic or health emergency, including climate emergencies.

Your own biological sovereignty and freedom to make independent health choices with your own doctor will be gone. Instead you will be obligated to follow, without question or resistance, the health orders decreed by the director general of this unelected, private organization.

Canada has already signed on to the World Economic Forum’s “Agile Nations Charter” and Justin Trudeau is more than happy to “modernize” our drug approval process and sign away our national sovereignty over healthcare. This is the biggest threat to our liberty and freedom to protect our children that we have ever faced. Canadian citizens themselves must take a stand. No one in government is coming to save us.

We need to occupy the bridges and overpasses again to alert our fellow citizens of the dangers that are just months away. We need to display our signs and banners coast-to-coast along the entire Trans-Canada Highway. The truckers took the lead with the Freedom Convoy, but it was the astounding explosion of excitement and the magic of several hundred thousand Canadians discovering the power of their voice that took it over the top and made the world pay attention.

We must do it again now, every weekend, all summer long, until our protest stretches nation wide. We must wake up our sleeping citizens and show our politicians that we are not going to obey them or follow them blindly into a tyrannical global dystopia.

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Please read this submission to Health Canada regarding their “Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the Food and Drugs Act (Agile Licensing)”

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The primary duty of Health Canada is to protect Canadians from harm caused by medical and pharmaceutical products and procedures. Developments in biological technologies are rapidly accelerating into entirely theoretical and unproven areas of genomic research where no long term safety data is available.

While the possibilities for health benefits may be alluring, the dangers of unplanned consequences and serious negative harms to humans and all of the other species that inhabit our planet are unimaginable. Messing with the genetic structures that govern and enable life on earth creates insane risks of irreversible harm with comparatively little necessary or practical benefits to humanity.

The rapid acceleration of research and development into new theories, technologies and therapies impel the need for increasing the level of consumer protection from unproven claims from pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers and more rigorous and unbiased scrutiny from Health Canada. Unfortunately you are heading in the opposite direction.

In lockstep with the Agile Nations Charter of the WEF, Health Canada's "modernization" of the regulatory approval process will create dangerous new pathways for untested or improperly tested products and technologies to enter the Canadian marketplace. The highly theoretical nature of the new gene therapies necessitate and should require even longer testing timetables than the previously used 10 to 15 year safety trial schedules.

The potential unimaginable side effects from these new technologies must be taken seriously and thoroughly vetted at independent testing and analysis centres that have no financial conflicts of interest in the approval of the products. The economic benefits of a shorter, less rigorous approval process should have no influence whatsoever over the need to protect Canadians from irreversible and potentially deadly harms.

It should not be Health Canada's concern whether or not Canada's drug approval process maximizes the profit margins of international pharmaceutical companies. This is not why Canadians trusted and supported Health Canada in the past. Everything you write now betrays your true priorities and intentions to Canadians.

As evidence of the true nature of the Covid-19 experiment continues to unfold, a time of reckoning is advancing which will hold to account all those responsible for participating in any events that caused serious and unnecessary harm, including death, to millions of people. Health Canada will not be immune.

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Thank-you Everyone has grown from just 50 users in March to over 200 in April and its expansion is accelerating. Some people have shown an interest in taking the lead for their area and are reaching out to others. It wil be amazing to see how ideas develop as wonderful, creative people combine their passion and sculpt out patterns of resistance in their own areas.

Please let me know if you think the W.H.O. protest described above ia a good idea or not. We need to exercise our muscles of public resistance and I can't think of a more visible place than our bridges and overpasses.

Please share your news and ideas broadly so together we all become stronger. God bless you all and keep you safe, strong and free.

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