Take A Stand

Either stand up now for morality, or face a cruel and extended mortality.

The global maniacs are determined to either transform us into bio-digital robots or simply starve and poison us to death. They have stolen and control the major resources of the world, the data, the money, the land, the food, the armies and the police. As we watch in disbelief, they consolidate their iron grip on humanity through international alliances and corporate partnerships. There is no place to run to escape the totalitarian takeover, and the inevitable destruction, of all life on this planet.

Their hatred for humanity and devotion to satan has been brewing for over a century. Their spiritual poison has dripped into government, the media, the education and justice systems, the medical establishment and the entertainment industries. They now believe they are powerful enough, and smart enough, to complete a global coup d'état and to redesign the molecular and genetic fabric of life.

They stayed in the shadows for decades, planning and perfecting strategies, organizing armies of bureaucrats, and enacting laws that protect them and criminalize resistance. They successfully distracted the public with superficialities and diversions and shocked them into perpetual fear with staged atrocities and fabricated crises. But it’s all out in the open now and they are coming to finish us off. Historical rights and freedoms are suspended. Independent moral and religious beliefs are prohibited. Family values, community independence and individual enterprise are not allowed. Privacy is forbidden. The One World Dictatorship will tell you where to live, what to think and what to do.


The good news is this is really easy to stop if you are willing to temporarily give up a few conveniences. Once we prosecute the bad guys and dismantle their networks of Evil you can once again enjoy the things you must give up now.


This, by far, is the most important first line of defence you have. Cell phone technologies deploy their weapons of mass destruction. They disrupt and injure your own biology and enable the building of nano-electric circuits that self-replicate and takeover your DNA and internal chemistry. The cell towers that distribute the 5G and 6G frequencies are used to enable data transmission and global surveillance, as well as Direct Energy Weapons used to start forest fires and attack the indigenous people of Lahaina, Maui.

Cell phone technologies are crucial to their plans to track you and to collect your data. Your phone sends them all the information they need to completely control you. All of the things that you will need to participate in society will rely on your obedient adoption of mandatory cell phone apps. All financial, travel, shopping, educational, employment and medical services will be deployed through your phone. All your conversations, meetings, opinions and plans for the future will be transparent and fully known to countless agencies, organizations and private corporations.

Only a few short years ago there were no cell phones. People still kept in touch and society functioned perfectly well without them. Sure they are convenient and they keep you entertained and mesmerized in a frantically accelerating world. But aren’t they a little bit like cocaine? Don’t you feel restless and lost when you are not connected? The hidden cost of being constantly “in touch” is that you lose touch with yourself, the calm of your spirit, and the connection to the living, real-time world around you. True life occurs moment by moment in a natural sensory environment. Face-to-face communication is so much more fulfilling than robotic texting. Living life in the full bloom of nature is so much more real and satisfying than isolation in an electronic prison.


Very soon the government and banks will attempt to abolish cash altogether. This will give them complete control over every aspect of your life. They have already shown us that they won’t hesitate to turn off access to our bank accounts for any reason they deem important. Our financial transactions allow them to know exactly what, where and how much we buy. If they decide to restrict or disallow certain purchases CBDCs will give them the power to control us completely.

Cash is anonymous and its use can’t be recorded or intercepted. More than privacy is at stake here. The freedom and independence to decide for yourself about what you buy and how you live is under attack. The money system is the ultimate weapon of control and it is essential to the global elite’s plan to takeover the world. If they can get rid of cash our goose is cooked.

Sure it will be inconvenient to stop shopping online for a while. We did it for centuries and survived just fine, and we’ll be able to do it again once we cleanse the earth of the financial scum and flush the toilet. But in the meantime we need to be responsible to ourselves, our kids, and their kids to protect the natural rights and freedoms that creation bestowed on all living beings, both here today and yet to come.


It is absolutely insane to upload all of your computer files and personal data to a privately owed corporation. All talk of privacy is absurd as long as you surrender your data to the Cloud. The fine print of the privacy laws allow corporations and governments to share information freely. Don’t volunteer to help them. Oh but it is so convenient to sync my devices… give your head a shake.


O.K. this one’s going to cause a lot of controversy. It is true that if you know how to find it, the internet provides important information that you will never find anywhere else. The problem is… is any of it true? For sure, some of it is and it’s virtually priceless. However, the dis and misinformation industry has exploded recently and sophisticated bots and algorithms have muddied the veracity of the information sources exponentially.

The vast majority of internet traffic does not go to sites offering significant, important, alternative news and research. Most internet usage is for shopping, entertainment and specialized “how to”, hobbies or personal development sites. A temporary disruption of this type of traffic would not be the end of the world. For the more important stuff, perhaps we could centralize and share internet access in an expanded network of community centres. Public libraries, social meeting spaces (bars, cafes, etc.) where online meets face-to-face and users sharing similar interests focus and engage.

The scariest part about the internet is it will soon be completely controlled by AI and all non-algorithm information will be cleansed, buried or removed completely. Trivial, superficial distractions and sensational news porn will still be featured to dull the thinking mind into complacency and instil fear in the information consumer.


Our national leaders know exactly what they are doing. They are part of the global cabal and the political system that spews out and implements the Evil of the Satanic technocrats. Investigate your municipal council and community agencies. Many at the local level have no idea that they have been co-opted and are being used to implement the agenda of an international crime syndicate.

Norm Traversy

Canadian Hero Norm Traversy Takes On Trudeau

In July of 2020, Norman raised over $140,000 to oust Trudeau from office for a myriad of reasons including: the SNC Lavalin scandal; child trafficking; the December 2015 sale, to Bill Gates Wuhan lab, of the mRNA spike protein, from BC’s Arbutus Lab (the Trudeau family has invested in it for decades), along with the Fauci 2002 patented Sars CoV2 spike protein (banned in the US as a dangerous bioweapon, from N Carolina U’s Chapel Hill lab in November 2015,¹ and delivered by 2 Wuhan Biologists at the Winnipeg Lab, to Gates funded since 2000 and owned Wuhan lab). December 2015 and March 2016, Trudeau made a deal, during the Paris Climate Talks with Bill Gates and Obama for $500 million and a $40 kickback for every dose sold world wide. Did you ever wonder why he purchased enough doses for more than 400 per cent of its population and focused his entire time as PM “pushing” the drugs. This is genocide and Treason!

You may think this is a ‘Black Face’ lie! But sadly, it is True-deau!

This is just the beginning . . .

A resident of Ottawa, Norman Traversy is the #1 Canadian Hero! He was dubbed Firefighter of the Year, after being severly injured saving someone's life, who was in a highway accident. While plagued by severe pain and PTSD, he was denied his benefits and lost everything, his home, his wife and means to make a living.

Norman is suing Trudeau on behalf of all Canadian people, presenting evidence that JT is the head of a criminal cartel.² He was a driving force behind the Canadian Trucker movement, and also has information about the Pickton Pig Farm,³ the Canadian version of Epstein Island, of which Trudeau was involved.

Norm is a man on a Mission ~ like David who took out Goliath with a single blow of a slingshot. Well, his slingshot has the final stone that may just do the trick . . . going straight for the jugular, and hopefully sends Justin Castro right back home to the H—- that he crawled out of!

It’s called a Quo Warranto! And you may ask … What is a Quo Warranto???

The word Quo-Warranto literally means “by what warrants?” or “what is your authority”? The Writ of Quo-Warranto is the writ which is issued directing subordinate authorities to show under what authority they are holding the office. If a person has usurped a public office, the Court may direct him not to carry out any activities in the office or may announce the office to be vacant.

The Writ of Quo-Warranto cannot be issued to a person working in a private field. This writ is issued to a person in an office, the legality of which is being questioned.

Conditions for issue of the Writ of Quo-Warranto

The office must be public and it must be created by a statue or by the constitution itself.
The office must be a substantive one and not merely the function or employment of a servant at the will and during the pleasure of another.
There must have been a contravention of the constitution or a statute or statutory instrument, in appointing such person to that office.
Well, if all this doesn’t describe ‘elected’ government officials, who may not be acting in our best interest . . . I don’t know what does! 

Norm Traversy, with the assitance of wise and devout friends and patriots, has taken it upon himself to first serve the Governor General of ‘Canada’, Mary Simon! … who is the federal representative of the Canadian monarch, currently King Charles III who, by the way, is suffering pancreatic cancer and taking ‘leave’ of his duties! . . . So what happens to Canada???

This is all very interesting, considering that Trudeau sold the last vestiges of the Crown Corporation of Canada to the CCP, via the Asian Bank in 2022. His stepfather Pierre sold the Bank of Canada to the Rothschild’s in 1974.

“Canada” (no longer a Crown Corporation) was listed on EDGAR, aka Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), in Washington DC, Pennsylvania Avenue, where Queen Victoria registered the Crown Corporation of Canada, in 1861. Since the Constitution was never ratified, the Crown really has no authority nor jurisdiction over the land, aka Turtle Island, upon which this Corporation continues to rape and pillage the land and its ‘chattel’ via the stock market.

“Canada” is no longer classed as a country, but listed on the SEC as “SIC: 8888 - FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS” as of 2022.⁴ Prior to that it was listed as 8880 - a country. You can no longer find it in the scroll down list of countries.

For more on this story go to the Voice of Thunder substack. You can download a pdf copy of the full Writ there. Please spread this news widely. 

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