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I guess 320 registrations from 23 countries in just 3 months is a good start. After all I’m only one guy with no money to push this along. But it is a far cry from the viral response that I hoped for. We need hundreds of citizens in every city, thousands in every state or province and millions in every country to reach the critical mass necessary to effectively defend ourselves from the global tyranny that is getting stronger every day.

Rehashing the damage already done and analyzing data in our own red-pill ghettos is not enough. We must take ACTION. We must reach deep into our communities to spread the truth and launch visible resistance campaigns that are incapable of being ignored. I’m fed up with all the posts and articles that merely document the crimes and criminals that are allowed to carry on their evil unchallenged by parliaments or any court of law. Thousands of citizens continue to suffer and die every day yet We The People do nothing to stop this madness. I built this search tool to get the ball rolling, now it is up to YOU to initiate local resistance to make the movement effective.

Here are a few suggestions for local ACTION that I have come up with.

Objective: Develop Local Networks
Method: Online
establish a local blog/discussion group
establish a local web page for news, ideas, events
include ad space for local alternative businesses
build alliances with other local organizations
Method: Offline
locate affordable public meeting space, organize regular meetings
pool resources and share costs of local initiatives
find local supporters willing to display videos or ads

Objective: Create Widespread Public Awareness
Method: Printed Word
flyers, door hangers
signs, bridge banners
print ads, billboards
social media blogs
Method: Public Events
attend meetings: city council, school board, public health agency
host seminars, film events: libraries, clubs, bars, waiting rooms
hold outdoor freedom festivals: booths, speakers, videos
stage protests, demonstrations: city hall, parks, markets, school boards, public health agencies, hospitals, exit ramps and overpasses

Objective: Force Change
Method: Strikes (we are the economy)
healthcare workers
truckers & deliveries
farmers & food processing
commercial pilots
bus & transit drivers
Method: Boycotts (remove the chains)
major retailers: Walmart, McDonalds, Shoppers Drug Mart, Tim Hortons
major online e-tailers: Amazon, Facebook, Google, Netflix
theme parks, movie theatres, seasonal attractions

Please send your own ideas to

Are You Experienced... at making online ideas go viral and will you volunteer some precious time to help launch this project ...Jimi wants to know.

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What's Wrong with Society?

The last three years have been a wake-up call to millions of people who previously were too busy living day-to-day to question our social operating system. Then suddenly the Covid-19 emergency bells started ringing and governments everywhere went haywire. Emergency powers dissolved individual rights and freedoms, closed schools and small businesses and mandated citizens to infect themselves with experimental gene-based injections. Fear was used to boldly ratchet up corporate and government power to absurd new levels. Supply chains crashed and the price of everything exploded. Rather than protecting families from harm the pandemic response actually increased the pain, death and suffering we had to endure. People noticed that something was seriously wrong and started questioning the make-believe reality that the mainstream media creates.

So now we have a unique opportunity while the public’s attention is leaning towards critical thinking to ask what’s wrong with society. But merely dissecting the symptoms of our failures will miss the real problem. The fundamental question is

Is money really the most beneficial way to motivate productivity in society?

Money is the lifeblood of society. It is the permission needed to live. It embodies power, the power to produce, the power to achieve, the power to control. It is the basis of our social operating system and the most fundamental foundation of society. When it is reasonably available to everyone equally a harmonious, peaceful society is possible. When it is captured and controlled by a privileged elite, a desperate, competitive, waring society is inevitable.

Most people never think about the structure or operating principles of our money system. They are too busy trying to get enough of it to survive. Those who do look into it rarely go deeper than questioning what commodity money should be based on (gold, silver, etc.). Some do go deeper and question why all money is created as debt. Debt-based money obligates borrowers to pay interest to the money creators who rent the money supply to society. This scam explains why the distribution of wealth is so uneven and why society never seems to be able to get out of debt. Resolving these issues could lead to better social conditions, but they still avoid the fundamental economic design problem.

To get the root of the problem of our social operating system we have to examine profit. Profit is the dominant motivation that drives productivity. Profit is the primary reason that people invent and patent new things. Profit is the primary reason that people invest or loan their money to others. Profit is the reason people surrender their lives to work for someone else, or for themselves. Profit is the reason that we build things poorly, cheaply, with planned obsolescence to break and wear out prematurely. Profit is the reason we compete so ferociously for market dominance and control. Profit is the reason we engage in wars to access the raw materials and natural resources we need. Profit is the reason we abandon morality to sustain shareholder loyalty and customer satisfaction. Profit is the reason our economy must continuously expand consuming more resources each and every year. Profit is the reason we ignore the environmental costs of raping the earth of her resources, causing the irreversible annual extinction of thousands of species. Profit is the reason we create labour ghettos and abuse the populations of third world countries. Profit is the reason we murder people all around the world with new experimental drugs and gene therapies. Profit is the reason we organize crime syndicates and infiltrate and control elected governments around the world. Profit is the reason there is so much inequality and social despair and unrest in the world. Profit is the reason we are now facing the deliberate social extinction of billions of people worldwide by an evil club of billionaires who believe they have the knowledge to outsmart nature and the right to determine the fate of all humankind.

Profit has enabled this club to amass unimaginable wealth over generations of corruption. Controlling the money supply and operating the levers of debt to cause depressions has empowered them to capture elected governments, their armies, their public institutions and the media. There is no way to disarm them unless we disable profit.

Now that people are awake and are beginning to understand that we are facing extinction, they may be willing to tackle the key weakness of our economic system. An incredibly wonderful new world of possibilities awaits us once profit no longer motivates productivity. Humans can relax and focus on what truly interests them in life. Instead of submitting to the tyranny of the marketplace, they can vote with their lives for the type of marketplace they desire. Instead of being based on scarce commodities, money can be based on time, a precious resource that is equally available and accessible to all. No longer dependent on renting other people’s money, people will create and pay themselves new money every time they perform socially productive work for others. Debt will no longer be needed when labour becomes money. Whatever people choose to work on will be funded by the act of working itself.

I urge you to think about this proposal. Every thinking person can now clearly see that we have to rebuild our political, economic and monetary systems from the ground up. Our current ones have been captured by an evil so dark that the future consequences are unthinkable. So lets dig into the core of the problem and rebuild a Garden of Even.

The 3 Biggest Immediate Threats to Humanity

1) the W.H.O.
The World Health Organization is trying to convert a voluntary, global advisory body into a mandatory, dictatorial enforcement agency that would overrule national sovereignty and extinguish human rights.
see: James Roguski 
see: Meryl Nass

2) the W.E.F.
The World Economic Forum is trying to establish an unelected fascist one-world super government financed and controlled by unaccountable public/private corporate partnerships
see: James Corbett 
see: Rair Foundation

3) Planned Eugenics
Eugenics embodies the idea that there are far too many people in the world, the majority of whom are genetically defective and intellectually inferior. Eugenicists believe that billions of these “useless eaters” must be exterminated in order to conserve the Earth’s remaining resources for the elites with superior bloodlines.
see: Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics
see: James Corbett

Thank-you for helping this movement grow. Please share your news and ideas broadly so together we all become stronger. God bless you all and keep you safe, strong and free.

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