Take A Stand

The Financial Power controls all of the things we need to change:

the way money & credit are created,
the plague of debt & interest,
the concentration of wealth & profit,
homelessness & poverty,
corruption & crime,
political parties & lobbyists,
secretive governments & taxation,
overbearing laws & treaties,
biased justice systems,
corrupt public agencies & institutions,
property ownership, patents,
land & natural resource rights,
science & information,
media & propaganda,
public opinions & attitudes…
and just about everything else that controls the freedom & opportunities of average citizens.

So why is no one talking about changing the fundamental flaw, the Financial Power?
No other issues can be fixed until the Financial Power is replaced with Citizen Power.
If we want responsible government we must become responsible citizens and get involved in public affairs by demanding the necessary changes to our current financial and economic systems. A global criminal cartel runs the current systems and they have openly expressed their contempt for the general public and admitted their eugenicist objectives. They have no moral right to engineer the climate or to alter the natural ecosystems and genetic composition of life itself… and they certainly have no right to decide who gets to live and who must die. They are deliberately destroying the earth’s capacity to grow food and sustain life in order to carry out their plans and it is all based on their insatiable desire for profit and control. We must stop their evil now but we cannot do it by attacking one isolated issue at a time. This divides our energies and resources too thinly to be effective and fails to address the real underlying cause of our problems. We must join together and focus on replacing the Financial Power itself.

Please START TALKING ABOUT THIS in all your freedom groups and brainstorm ideas about how to replace the monetary and economic system with one that serves the common good of all humanity. Start by constructing a list of the qualities, purpose and objectives that a good system must include, things like equal benefit and opportunities for all, equally accessible to all, non-wasteful of human and natural resources, independent and locally based as much as possible with maximum individual freedom of choice, etc… Build the moral and ideological framework first then select the details that fit with it the best. By working together we can build a new global STATE OF MIND that is free from any political or territorial boundaries. It is time for the people of the Earth to control the future for themselves. We have no idea of the full potential of a cooperative human existence that stimulates personal development for all. Once we kick the criminals out of the cockpit we can turn this craft towards the stars.

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