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Local Resistance continues to grow but the time remaining to mount an effective citizens’ resistance is disappearing fast. New media censorship laws restrict what information Canadians will be allowed to see. Alternative news and opinions are being labelled as hate speech and criminalized as mis and dis-information. New vaccines are being prepared for the fall launch of the next pandemic and CBDCs and new digital IDs are being rushed along to ensure complete compliance with the increasing tyranny.

Artificial chicken and beef containing mRna bio-posions are entering our supermarkets without any labelling that identifies them as being lab-grown experiments. Crickets and bugs are being added to institutional menus at schools, hospitals and care homes. Farmers are being forced off their land to accelerate the scarcity of traditional food supplies. Bill Gates is happily waiting to purchase their farms at a fraction of their value. Home ownership is becoming too expensive for average workers as investment capital firms like Blackrock snatch up all available vacant properties to convert into rental units. As we teeter on the edge of nuclear war, the industrial military pharmaceutical industry is proliferating mRna bio-weapon technologies into our pills, inhalers, liquid medicines and even the fruits and vegetables we consume.

Yes, Happy Canada Day. Lets light some fireworks and add to the forest fire smoke. I’m sorry folks but writing letters and signing petitions isn't going to save us. We need to use the one and only resource we own that is powerful enough to shut down this parade of insanity… OUR LABOUR. We need to organize, and fast. Here’s an idea from my substack that could work.

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Do you remember the pop-it bead craze of the 60s… those marvellous plastic pearl-like beads that you could snap together to form bracelets and necklaces?

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Think of our economy as necklace of those beads. Each bead relies on all of the other beads to keep the economy going. Doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, airline pilots, railway workers, transport drivers, delivery drivers, transit drivers, postal workers, dock workers, equipment operators are all important beads in the economy. Hundreds of different beads provide essential services to keep the chain functioning. Workers are the beads. Workers are the pearls. Workers are the economy.

So what if they stopped working? Not all at once but one bead at a time, for a short time, consecutively. As each new bead popped, the economic chain would remain broken but no workers would lose a significant amount of income. Each bead might strike for only a week at a time. As they return to work the next bead would pop to continue pressuring the government. Moving around the chain, coordinating a continuous and repeating series of strikes, workers could disrupt the economy enough to force the government to meet their common demands.

The common demands should include reinstating all workers who were fired for refusing to be injected with the Covid shots. This must include all doctors, nurses and other professionals who lost their licenses due to their refusal to be silenced. This would not only be just, it would end the current shortage of skilled workers and relieve the enormous burden on the remaining workers who now work overtime to keep things running. All parties must also be reimbursed for all lost wages, fines and court costs that they incurred, and all pending charges must be dropped. It is time for all workers to stand together to defend their coworkers.

A timetable could be developed to schedule when, and for how long, each bead would be striking. Multiple beads could walk out together. No bead would face a significant loss of income. Union strike funds and crowdfunding support could raise money to cover necessary expenses. If the government threatens to fire all strikers they will be to blame for turning a temporary work stoppage into a permanent crisis. They will become responsible for any economic or social harm that arises. Some casualties will arise but this is a war for freedom and respect. Far more future harm will occur if we lose this battle now.

We also must insist that the government enacts legislation that prevents them from ever again attempting to override our individual rights and biological sovereignty. We must demand they withdraw from the W.H.O., the W.E.F. and the U.N.’s Agenda 2030. We must end their tyrannical plans for a One World unelected, super-government loyal only to corporate interests.

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We need to form our own UN… the United Nations of Citizens to strategically deploy the positive energy of workers and defend natural law and our creator-given human rights. Imagine how popular this idea will be with all of the nations that have been exploited by the UN, IMF & World Bank for decades. At the same time, we need to completely disable the current debt-based, profit-driven economic system that exploits our labour and robs us of its value. We need a new global monetary system that is based on time and denominated in hours (of productive work). Every country on Earth already uses time to coordinate activities and values. Time is a universal standard of fixed value that cannot be inflated or deflated by market forces. Even more importantly, time is equally accessible to all. New money should be created each time new social contributions are performed. Money should simply be a receipt for social labour provided. Workers themselves would vote with their labour for the type of society they wish to develop. No one would be coerced into doing something they don’t like just to earn a living. Workers could choose whatever career they desired and always be assured that the time they donated to society would be rewarded equally and automatically by their social labour contributions. Consumption would extinguish all money spent. Money would not recirculate.

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Yes these are radical new ideas but human freedom is about to be extinguished permanently. The technocrats and eugenicists that currently control the governments and economy of the world want to transform humanity itself into a subservient class of biodigital cyborgs. They have already scaled the size of the threats we face and our solutions must be no less grand. Their declaration of war on humanity leaves us no choice. It creates a need and opportunity for a complete reset of society. Please help build this network of resistance now.

After registering, a few people have sent emails asking... Now what? Do I just wait for someone to reach out to me? Local Resistance is not an organization. It has no leaders. It’s only goal is to hook-up members so they can connect and form their own local communities of interest about issues that are mutually important. It is up to local members to reach out and decide for themselves what issues are important and what actions should be taken. Local Resistance is just a tool, like a hammer, useless on its own, but powerful when put into action by members to build resistance. Local members may decide to form sub-groups to focus and partner on specific issues of common interest. Anything is possible and everyone gets to decide independently what is important. After you register, please don’t wait. Reach out to others near where you live and begin a conversation. If no one else has registered yet in your community, spread the word locally yourself, post notices, print and distribute simple flyers. Take the lead and your energy will attract others. It will also boost your spirits to be doing something positive. Check back here periodically to search for new members in your neighbourhood. That's all for now. Happy mingling.

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