Special Alert

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This October newsletter is devoted entirely to spreading the shocking truth about the real dangers and purpose of climate engineering. For nearly two decades, Dane Wigington has been researching the chemicals and technologies used to spray aerosols into the atmosphere which are destroying the very fabric of life on earth.

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If this information doesn't scare the daylights out of you and make you realize that geo-engineering is the biggest threat to the continuation of life on earth then humanity will perish in the very near future.

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Stopping this attack against our children and every species on the planet must become our first priority. These climate psychopaths are so obsessed with power and control that they can no longer recognize or care about how these experiments endanger themselves and their loved ones. Drunk on technology and their own desire for God-like powers, they will destroy the environment and every living thing in it.

Please become aware of the imminent danger of a planetary extinction event and devote yourself to spreading the information necessary to stop this insanity now.

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