Digital IDs and CBDCs

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As the end of 2023 draws near, two major pressure systems are about to collide and combine into a fierce tornado on the map of world history. The privacy, freedom and security of citizens will be devastated by tyrannical winds of control that arise to deal with the emergency.

Both pressure systems have been building for a century or more. The first, our debt-based monetary system, was deliberately designed to cause huge economic and financial pressures in the marketplace. In order to control productive opportunities and ensure that most profit and wealth travelled upward to money lenders and major corporations a boom bust cycle was necessary. Initially, low interest rates are used to make credit affordable and encourage the building and consumption of new major assets. Citizens invest in home ownership, businesses invest in new projects and expansions. All these new loans pump a whole lot of new money into the marketplace which creates opportunities for businesses and speculators to raise prices and increase profits. This causes an inflation spiral that eventually gets out of control and the central banks start raising interest rates.

Higher interest rates mean that all those cheap mortgage and loan payments get a whole lot more expensive. Money must be diverted away from new consumption to pay for previously financed consumption. An economic slowdown begins as lenders start drawing more wealth out from the marketplace. As the rich get richer life becomes harder for average workers to sustain their cost of living. As consumers cut back, layoffs and rising unemployment make things worse. Many consumers and small businesses can no longer afford to continue servicing their debt so their assets are seized and transferred to lenders. The end of new borrowing and the collapse of the marketplace which includes the writing off of a whole lot of bad debt, encourages lenders to lower interest rates and start a new boom period.

Think of the economy as a casino. Lenders run the house and issue loan chips that are used to play capitalism at the tables. The lenders don’t care who wins or loses because they have already secured the hard physical assets of the borrowers who want chips. If a player’s chips are wiped out at the tables the lender gets both the players’ money and his chips. Just like the dealer, the lender reaches across the table and scrapes the players assets into his own purse. A few borrowers do win at the tables and lenders normally sell them the losers’ confiscated assets at fire sale prices.

Often the thirst for profit and interest get out of hand. Economic depressions historically are cyclical and financial emergencies are now occurring much too often. Huge government bailouts to over zealous banks and financial institutions are saddling taxpayers with unfathomable amounts of unpayable debt. Since the gold standard was abolished in 1971, governments and lenders have been recklessly issuing ridiculous amounts of new debt. Ten of the major economies of the world have gross debt levels that surpass their total annual Gross Domestic Product. The USA has created so much government debt that it is no longer considered to be a stable world reserve currency. Many countries are replacing the US dollar with alternative currencies to transact world trade. A loss of confidence in the US dollar would cause a major global economic meltdown like nothing the world has ever experienced.

In short, the debt-based monetary system that sustains the global economy is about to implode. Governments around the world have been trying desperately to keep the system going by hiding the truth and printing new fiat money which is based on absolutely nothing. This geyser of imaginary wealth is flowing primarily to already rich lenders, financial investors, tech companies and large corporations who then return much of it, through lobbying, to control the political parties and government bureaucracies. This explains why the number of billionaires continues to skyrocket as the standard of living for average families crumbles and food banks and homelessness soar.

The inevitable collapse of the financial system has been known to be coming for years. Governments have been colluding through the IMF, World Bank, BIS, WEF, etc. to develop Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to conceal their financial shenanigans from public view. CBDCs will be based entirely on electronic digits and, unlike gold or silver or morality, they can never run out of those. The worldwide collapse of the debt-based, fiat currency system is the first pressure system that is approaching. The second one will feed off of it and make things even worse.

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Throughout history the quest for power and control has been foundational. Supremacy in battle gave victors the rights to the land and treasures of the conquered. Barbarians, knights, bishops and kings all had a turn at assuming power. Making laws, controlling labour and trade, owning slaves made it so much fun to use force against others. Over the centuries Church and State, Popes and Royalty amassed tremendous wealth and amplified their powers. Then America demanded liberty and independence and power shifted to local sheriffs and colonial governments. But consolidation led to the concentration of power and once again battles were used to forge national governments and centralized control. The individual liberties and natural rights of a Constitutional Republic were slowly eroded away by executive and judicial corruption and the influence of corporate lobbyists.

Digital information and technology has spawned control systems beyond the wildest imagination of previous generations. Computers, satellites, robotics and artificial intelligence have made constant surveillance and the total control of the entire world’s population possible. Abandoning morality, imagining their own superiority, a few thousand billionaires now believe they have the knowledge, wisdom and right to control the earth’s resources and dictate the future of humanity.

Digital IDs are electronic biographies of individuals. They contain personal statistics, education and employment histories, financial, health and criminal records, shopping and political preferences, plus memberships, associations and social network data. DigitalIDs empower both commercial and government agents to monitor, censor and control citizen behaviours and activities. When digitalIDs are coupled with CBDCs, tyranny becomes inevitable. The power to turn off peoples’ bank accounts and block their access to their own money and savings creates slavery. No one can function in society without money. Homelessness and premature death follows quickly. To even contemplate combining digital IDs and CBDCs is evidence of a tyrannical mind and destructive anti-social nature. Unfortunately, this is the illness that is driving the “build, back, better” glee club of the New World Order.

Digital IDs also record consumer purchases and communicate with the sensors embedded inside the products they own. Product IDs can transfer continuous real-time usage information over the internet of things to manufacturers and government authorities. This collected data can then be analyzed and compared to expected conformance regulations. CBDCs will monitor individual spending and enforce government quotas and restrictions. Digital IDs will enable CBDCs to become programmable money that won’t work outside of designated areas or on restricted products. Consumer surveillance and control will be complete.

Governments, banks and big tech corporations around the world are actively researching, testing and rolling out digital IDs and CBDCs. Trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds and corporate profits extorted from consumers are financing a rush into the abyss called trans-humanism. Sociopaths with delusions of grandeur are seeking God-like powers to combine biological humans with digital and electrochemical technologies to create a totally new type of living machine called human 2.0. The money power has harvested some of the worlds’ most brilliant scientific engineers to build robots that will reduce the need for human labour by 90%. This will help achieve the ancient goal of the eugenicists who resent the “useless eaters” who overpopulate the world and waste the earths resources. The fact that they have no idea about the long term consequences of what they are doing doesn’t seem to disturb them. Nor does the genocide of over 7 billion people.

Please don’t take my word for it… watch the videos below and start your own investigation into what is going on. One thing is for sure. If we allow governments and corporations to introduce digital IDs, CBDCs and eliminate cash any meaningful opportunities to dissent, debate or resist future public policies and regulations will disappear.

To summarize:
1) The collapse of our existing debt-based monetary system is imminent
2). The powers that be know this and will use the coming crisis (opportunity) to usher in digital IDs and CBDCs
3) They will say that we have no choice and, most likely, martial law will be implemented
4) This will be a unique opportunity for the citizens of the world to not blindly obey the advice and authority our corrupt politicians, government agencies and corporate billionaires, but instead to dive deep into the root causes of our social problems and to question, analyze and re-invent the money system and redefine the social purpose and best motivations to drive a humane, cooperative, sustainable economy
5). This will be the last chance that citizens will have to resist the technocratic dictatorship of the New World Order and to preserve their natural rights and freedoms

For your children’s sake, please choose the right thing.

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A free video and e-book has just been released by David Webb, one of the world’s top investment fund managers, simply to warn people of the upcoming financial collapse and asset takeover scheme. It has been in the works for over a century, slowly and secretly being developed and centralized internationally to benefit just a handful of the richest banks and investment firms in the world.

Just start watching the video below and the knowledge, experience and credibility of the author will soon become apparent. He is not motivated by money or profit and derives no financial gain from this movie. He explains the humanitarian reasons himself for why he is doing this. He is terrified that this will be the most complete, irreversible financial takeover of civilization and the entire wealth of the earth. He believes that even most of the richest people are not aware of the implications of what is coming. They too will become slaves of the New World Order currently being promoted and executed by the UN, BIS, WEF, etc.

Please don’t dismiss this until you have watched the entire flick. It is only just over an hour and it will open your eyes to world of information that has been carefully hidden from the public’s attention.

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